Ageing & Exercise

Jules Webster- Exercise Physiologist

Julie Webster

A lot of the work I do as an exercise physiologist is with people 60 years old and over, and one thing I frequently hear from them is “Don’t get old, Jules!” Considering that I don’t have much choice in the matter I’m going to do everything I can to limit the effect that getting older has on my life. Being now on the wrong side of 40 I have become aware of some niggles and stiffness that I didn’t used to have, and my patients tell me – some with an element of gleefulness – that this is just the beginning.

Your blood vessels become stiffer, meaning your heart has to work harder to pump blood around; your bones shrink and become less dense, making fractures more likely; your muscle strength and flexibility decrease; and balance and coordination become more challenging. No wonder everyone wants to avoid the process!

What I’m not going to do is lie down and let the ageing process have its way with me. Nor am I going to wait until I’m completely free of any niggles before I do some form of exercise, otherwise it may never happen.

We all want to be healthy and well but sometimes, especially if you have an injury or condition, knowing what the right exercise for you is can be confusing. People are often afraid that what they try might worsen their pain or condition. This is where an exercise professional can help you. I believe that everyone benefits from exercise, and if you can’t do one form of activity there’s always something else we could devise together.

We all know we should be moving more and eating less/better but sometimes it’s getting started that is the problem. If you’re not happy with your weight, your blood pressure, your dodgy knees, your strength then take action to make changes. I believe that it is never ever too late to make a difference to your own life and health. 

See you out there!
Jules Webster

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